Folder Gluer Machine handles the folding and gluing process in the production of cartons/paper boxes from composite material such as corrugated board or paper sheets. The Folder gluer machine’s main functions:

    Gluing – the folder gluer machine has the capability to automate gluing process for various type of boxes, such as three-point lock bottom or one point side gluing boxes.
    Folding – the machine processes die-cut blank sheets and applies glue along the pre-folds / creases, before folding the sheets into boxes.
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Folding and Gluing for 3 point (Lock Bottom Box) / 1 point (Side Gluing)
Max. Liner Speed
280 meters/minute
Way of Folding Fold 1 and fold 3 are 180° & 135˚
Fold 2 and fold 4 are 180°
Bottom folded and glued
Paper Material
Cardboard 200-800g E-fluteE / F-fluteF



Folding and Gluing for 3 point (Lock Bottom Box) / 1 point (Side Gluing)

Machine Speed

Side Gluing 0 to 200 meters / minute

Crash Lock Bottom 0 to 100 meters / minute

Side Gluing 135 degrees pre-folding for No.1 Line
Crash Lock Bottom  90 Degrees pre-folding for No.3 Line
Paper Weight 200 to 700g